Paintings are a way of communicating thoughts and feelings. If you use oil colours you will achieve somthing unique. With printings like echings you can have a lot of duplicates.
Eching in Hayter’s technique offers something from both aspect: „reproducirable uniquness“. However you will never know the outcome with unplanned components since there are so many parameters which influence the final result.
Why this ostentation for dubious outcome?
To act is an expression of the soul. With actions you can affect the soul. Some people queue up only in the longest line in a supermarket or print in the technique of Hayter.
The Hayter’s technique is a combination of high and low printing with two different hard rolls and a different consistency of the colours it is possible to print colour eching from only one plate. Very intensive work, very complicated, nearly not countable. The fascination of this technique still attracts me.